curriculum vitae


2015 - 2021 Ph.D, Psychology, University Bern, supervised by Prof. Fred W. Mast, Submission of the Thesis: January 2021, Defense March 2021
2011 - 2014 M.Sc. in Psychology, University Bern, main focus Cognitive Psychology, Perception and Methodology
2011 Internship in a neurological rehabilitation clinic, München, Germany (August - September)
2011 Internship in a day care center for cognitively impaired children, St.Petersburg, Russia (March - June)
2007 - 2010 B.Sc in Psychology, University Bern


since 2023 Module leader „Personal development and complementary studies“, Mono Master in Sustainability Transformations, Centre for Development and Environment
since 2023 Postdoc in the COMMONPATHS project, Centre for Development and Environment
2015-2023 Assistant at the Institute of Psychology in Bern, Department of Cognitive Psychology, Perception and Methodology, supervised by Prof. Fred Mast
Coordination, programming and realisation of experiments, data analysis, supervision of students in different projects (Bachelor, Master, Forschungsatelier, Experimental practice)
2014 - 2018 Assistant at the Swiss Distance University, module for (visual) perception, Module direction: Dr. Marina Groner, Dr. Janek Lobmaier and Dr. Matthias Hartmann
Lecture administration and communication with students, preparation and evaluation of weekly exams for 40-60 students, occasionally delivering part of the lectures
2015 - 2017 Tutor for „Exercise Course Statistics“ II and III at the Institute of Psychology in Bern, supervised by Dr. Boris Mayer
Teaching groups of around 40 students as part of the introductory statistics courses/lectures
2011 - 2013 Research assistant at the Institute of Psychology in Bern, Department of Cognitive Psychology, Perception and Methodology, supervised by Dr. Corinna Martarelli
Preparation of experimental stimuli, acquisition of  (child) participants, and realisation of experiments


University of Bern „Human cognitive makeup: getting to know our software for global problemsolving“, course in the Master in Sustainability Transformations, CDE, 2024
„Evidence-based career development“, course in the Master in Sustainability Transformations, CDE, 2024
“How can I argue for a sustainable future?”, workshop, ESD network, 2023 
“Understanding and communicating data”, self-developed Proseminar, 2023
“Psychology and sustainability: What do we need to act?”, self-developed proseminar, funded by the ESD network of the University of Bern, Syllabus at:, 2022, 2023
„Exercise Course Statistics II and III”, weekly practice sessions accompanying the mandatory statistical classes for Psychology, Bachelor and Master level
“Scientific Work” (Bachelor) Tutorial
Supervision of Bachelor- and Master students
Swiss Distance University Supervision of Bachelor students in the module for perception
Preparation and evaluation of weekly exams, preparation and support for lectures

Personal competences

Langages German (native language)
English (fluent)
Spanish (fluent) 
Italian (intermediate, lived in Rome in 2013/14)
French (intermediate)
Russian (elementary, lived in St. Petersburg in 2011)
Digital skills  Advanced (bayesian) statistical analysis and data visualisation in R
R Markdown / Quarto
Programming of experiments in MATLAB, Python and PsychoPy
Excel, Word, Powerpoint

Outreach activities