Peer-reviewed papers
Ertl, M., & Gurtner, L. M. (2025). Human sciences can increase technology acceptance in rehabilitation science: A call for action. Frontiers in Rehabilitation Sciences, 5, 1356445. [link]
Aggrey, V., Pedrazzini, S., Gurtner, L., & Moser, S. (2024). What Motivates Individuals or Groups to Engage in Commons Initiatives? A Scoping Review. [link]
Gurtner, L. M., & Moser, S. (2024). The where, how, and who of mitigating climate change: A targeted research agenda for psychology. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 94, 102250. [link]
Mast, F. W., & Gurtner, L. M. (2023). Mental Rotation and Visual Imagery. In F. W. Mast & L. M. Gurtner, Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Psychology. Oxford University Press. [link]
Gurtner, L. M., Bischof, W. F., & Mast, F. W. (2023). Gaze Restriction and Reactivation of Place-bound Content Drive Eye Movements During Mental Imagery. Journal of Cognition, 6(1): 51, pp. 1–18. [link]
Gurtner, L. M., Hartmann, M., & Mast, F. W. (2021). Eye movements during visual imagery and perception show spatial correspondence but have unique temporal signatures. Cognition, 210, 104597. [link]
Gurtner, L. M., Bischof, W. F., & Mast, F. W. (2019). Recurrence quantification analysis of eye movements during mental imagery. Journal of Vision, 19(1), 17. [link]
Martarelli, C. S., Gurtner, L. M., & Mast, F. W. (2015). School-age children show a bias toward fantasy classifications after playing a platform game. Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 4(4), 351–359. [link]
Conference contributions
Gurtner, Lilla; Liu, Tianzhu; Gammelgaard, Johanna (Sept 2024). How can commons contribute to a transformation towards degrowth?. In: 16th International Social Innovation Research Conference. Bern 2 - 4. 09.2024
Pedrazzini, Sabina; Gurtner, Lilla (June 2024). Navigating Challenges in Commoning Processes: Understanding Individual Dynamics. In: Symposium: What we talk about when we talk about the commons? Leeds. 17 - 18. 06.2024. link
Gurtner, Lilla; Moser, Stephanie (June 2023). The where to, how and who of mitigating climate change: a targeted research agenda for psychology to support social transitions. In: ICEP Conference. Aarhus. 20-23. 06.2023.
Moser, Stephanie; Gurtner, Lilla (2023). Working time reduction as a moment of change for climate-friendly behaviour? (Unpublished). In: Presentation at the International Conference on Environmental Psychology (ICEP 2023). Aarhus, Denmark. 20-23 June 2023.
Gurtner, Lilla; Bischof, Walter F.; Mast, Fred W. (August 2019). Temporal patterns of eye movements reflect the complexity of a mental image (Unpublished). In: European Conference on Eye Movements. Alicante, Spain. 18.8.-23.8.2019.
White papers / Project reports
Gurtner, Lilla; Liu, Tianzhu; Pedrazzini, Sabina; Ay, Deniz. (2025). Commonpaths Project Transdisciplinary Meeting Report for research partners. (Report No. 1). Centre for Development and Environment (CDE). [link]
Moser, Stephanie; Gurtner, Lilla; Bezzola, Nicolà; Neubert, Sebastian. (2024). Wohlbefinden und Ökologie durch mehr Zeit? (CDE Working Papers 8). Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), Stiftung Mercator Schweiz, GZO Spital Wetzikon, mit Bern Open Publishing (BOP)
Book chapters
Moser, S.; Gurtner, L.M.; Bader, C. (2025). Nachhaltigkeitsinitiativen und ihr Beitrag zu einem Wandel in eine nachhaltigere Zukunft. In S.Moser & C. Bader (Eds.), Zivilgesellschaftliche Nachhaltigkeitsinitiativen in der Schweiz (1rd ed., pp. 19 - 40). transcript Verlag [link]
Media contributions
Riebeling, Fee Anabelle (2025, January). Für Aphantastiker ist das innere Auge ein Fremdwort. 20 Minuten (Interview) [link, accessed 27th of January 2025]
Ackermann, Susanne (2024, August). Frau Gurtner, warum reicht die bisherige psychologische Forschung zum Klimawandel nicht aus?. Psychologie Heute. (Interview connected to Gurtner & Moser 2024) [link, accessed: 25th of July 2024]
Gurtner, Lilla (2024). Psychologists and Climate Change: What Vision Should Guide Us, and How and With Whom Do We Get There?. Character & Context Blog. (Blog entry connected to Gurtner & Moser 2024) [link, accessed: 10. June 2024]
Gurtner, Lilla; Moser, Stephanie (2024). Wohin, wie und mit wem in eine bessere Zukunft?. Rethink now. (Blog entry connected to Gurtner & Moser 2024) [link, accessed: 3. May 2024]
Data publications
Gurtner, Lilla; Weber, Enea; Mast, Fred W (2024). Data and analysis of “Eyes still Move when the Mind Is Blind: Content-Related Eye Movements During Mental Imagery in Aphantasia”. [link]